Jobs for future generations

Jobs for our children and grandchildren are important. American-made products mean that more American residents are needed to create those products. American-made guarantees thousands of jobs now and for future generations.

American Independence

America has pride in their independence. Relying on another country’s exports is counterintuitive to that pride. We should unite together in reducing our reliance of exported products to reclaim more independence by purchasing American-made.

Environmental Protection & Health

America upholds stringent manufacturing guidelines related to the environment and consumer health. America prohibits manufacturing of products containing harmful levels of toxic substances, unlike products from countries without manufacturing guidelines. When purchasing less expensive foreign made products, you potentially contribute to pollution, environmental damage and health risks.

Labor & manufacturing Standards

America has strict labor standards ensuring that wages are paid fairly and proper laws are upheld that prohibit sweatshops and child labor. In addition, America ensures US manufacturers are compliant at higher standards meaning higher quaility products for consumers. Supporting American-made means safe working conditions, fair salaries for employees, and higher quality products.


Only 3% of fashion is made in the USA and we’re proud to be part of that community. We source apparel that is cut, sewn and/or assembled in America in a sweatshop-free, humane and sustainable enviroment that enforce fair labor policies.

Fashion is the third most polluting industry in the world. We believe in protecting the planet, not polluting it. We source apparel containing eco-friendly dyes that are not harmful to the environment. This means that they do not contain any heavy metals or toxic substances. This applies to all styles both organic and non-organic.

We are committed to doing our part in offering sustainable, eco-friendly products that work with our planet, not against it.

"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think” -Ephesians 3:20

AMIC was founded on a spiritual calling from God. Newly surrendered to Jesus, a working mother began to take steps, guided by the Holy Spirit, towards something that glorified God. She puzzled together her acquired knowledge, supportive husband and started building a brand centered around Him, while praying for continued guidance.

The purpose is stewardship - reflecting God's image and care toward all of His Creation, while taking part to fulfill the Great Commission – planting the seed of Him using creative messages in clothing designs.

Our time, talent, and money are used to meet the spiritual and physical needs of His world to advance God’s purpose. There is not a managing director of the company—God is. Our decision making is guided by God’s word. We have full trust in His plan to lead us wherever He may call us. We seek not to satisfy the world, we seek only to satisfy Him. May He receive every ounce of the Glory.






Childhood Poverty
Human Trafficking
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Veteran & Military Family Services
Child Abuse & Neglect
Special Needs Community Resources
Malnutrition & Food Crisises
Cancer Research & Family Support